300F Contrafin/100c Contrafin/150F Eco Fin
Ellis Williams
New D&B School built by Apollo Education, with Solar Shading to South and West Elevations by Contrasol. One of the key design criteria was the minimalisation of aircraft noise through enhanced acoustic performance, as the school is located close to Heathrow Airport. The structural concrete frame and flat slab provides a high thermal mass and good noise seperation, as well as good flexibility for future changes to internal layouts.
With an eye on sustainability, this school’s heating and cooling strategy involves the use of ground source heat pumps which will assist in the fulfilment of a 20% on-site renewable target. Heston School will be one of the largest installations of ground source heat pumps in the UK, reducing energy requirements of the building by 30% from the Governments target figures and reducing carbon emissions by 28%.